
Hands on Crafts For Kids is the resource for kids craft projects and instructions for kids 6-12 and parents, teachers and other group leaders. It includes school and curriculum based projects,  multi cultural projects, and every day, holiday and seasonal ideas.

It is  the online home of the public television program Hands On Crafts for Kids.

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Denim Road

Watch the video for this project online at:


Age Range: 7 to 12

Grade Range: 2 to 6

Skill Level: Easy to Moderate

Appropriate for:
Make Believe, Every Day and Rainy Day Activities

Supports Subject Area(s) of:
Language Arts – e.g. step by step instructions
Mathematics - measuring

Approximate time needed for project: 
45 minutes to 1 hour, allow extra time for glue to dry


Denim Road
by Katie Hacker

Materials Needed:
Old jeans
Elmer’s® School Glue
Foam paintbrush
Black marker
Wooden train track to use as template
Elmer’s ®Painters® Markers: white, yellow


  1. Cut along the seams on a pair of jeans to open the leg.
  2. Place train track shapes on cardboard and trace around them with black marker.
  3. Place two tracks next to each other to make a passing lane.
  4. Cut out the train track shapes.
  5. Brush glue onto the cardboard and press the glue sides down onto denim. Let them dry.
  6. Cut out the denim road shapes.
  7. Use a paint pen and ruler to mark white lines along the edges of all of the roads and yellow lines down the center of the double-lane roads.


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