Hands On Crafts for Kids
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Painting Basics - Basic Tools
By Prudy Vannier

These are the most basic tools you will need to paint.

Brush basin: Most painters need a container for water. A container with ridges at the bottom will help clean the paint from the brushes. Oil painters need covered jars for mediums and odorless turpentine they use.

Palette paper: Every painter needs something to put paint on. Disposable palette paper works well. It has a waxed surface. There are also bubble palettes. Some use Styrofoam plates and some like a traditional wood palette.

Paper towel or soft rag: These are a must for clean up and boo boos.

For tracing patterns: graphite paper – light for dark surfaces and dark for light surfaces, tracing paper, pencil, tape, and stylus

Soapstone or chalk pencils are for adding or fixing pattern lines.

And a painters most important tools – brushes!

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